August 5, 2008

Manic Monday

We survived another Monday! With kids gone, it is sure a great moment for us to have some down time. Nothing interesting happened at home. Jeff got off work and went over to Chris' church to measure up their youth room for a new stage. I had gone to Target to get a few items and stopped in at Chick-fil-a for us to have a bite of supper. Jeff went straight to his office with supper and started drawing the stage. He finished a few hours later and I took a look at it. It looks like it's going to be a great addition to their youth room! It looks fabulous!! Other than Jeff drawing all night, I sat and folded laundry while catching up on a show. My mother and I talked on the phone for quite a while. When it was all said & done, we didn't accomplish very much. Sometimes it's nice to just chill out and forget about everything around you! Hannah called last night crying to come home. She misses me!! Makes me feel good. We seem to get closer and closer as she grows up. I really enjoy her a lot! Well, I am sure I will have some more interesting news tomorrow. For now, I'm signing off! Have a great day!!!

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